Monday, November 9, 2009

It's been a while.

Some of my followers have message me about not posting enough.  I'm sincerely apologize.  It's hard being a dog, sleeping 18 hours a day.  I hardly have time to watch for squirrels outside.

Here's a picture of me and Soleil in the North Cascades.  I'm not really a fan of long car rides, but there was nice fresh air when we stopped and got out.

While we were there, Dad had to go pee and accidentally walked in some lady who was already inside the outhouse.  He said it was her own fault for not locking the door.  I'm not too particular who's watching when I pee, as long as there's a nice grassy area for me to do it.  Anyway....

Here's a picture I took of Dad and Mom.  I thought it was pretty good.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Do I have to?

I really don't like riding in cars.

No offense, but it's your driving.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Birthday Party

It was a busy weekend.  I got invited to a doggie birthday party and made some new friends: Bella, Gravy, Oscar and Willie.  They were all a lot bigger than I was, which made it a little intimidating at times, but all the human people were really nice.

Here's Willie, Oscar and me with our party hats on.  I wasn't a fan of the hat and tried not to let anyone see me in it.

This is Gravy.  He's a wild one.  For some reason he doesn't have a tail, but he can sure move his butt!

This is Bella and Oscar.  Bella was pretty cool--she had her own sweatshirt and a fancy collar.

The best part of the party was the cake!  My piece was so big.  Of course, I had to wait for it...

But the waiting was worth it!

Monday, October 5, 2009

I got a new toy!

It's long, brown and it's not a poopie!  It's squeaks on one end and rattles on the other.  Plus it's stretchy.

Still, it's no match for me.  I've already chewed off one of its ears.  I love it!

(edit:  Dad just did some proofreading on my post.  I don't know the difference between its and it's, nor can I conjugate verbs correctly.  At least I'm cute.)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

So tired.

Sorry I haven't been posting more.  I've been pretty tired.  Last night I couldn't even make it into bed--Dad left the gate door closed so I couldn't get inside!  So I found a soft spot nearby.

It was pretty nice until he shined some light in my eyes to get this picture:

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Brown Truck

Sometimes when my Dad takes me on my afternoon walk I see the Brown Truck.  I love the Brown Truck because the there's a man who wears brown inside that always has cookies!  I can hear it down the block even if I can't see it right away.  Dad tells me just to leave it, the man has work to do delivering packages, but I know the truth--he's delivering cookies!  To me!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Been busy the last couple days.

I wasn't so 'Daily' the last few days.  I've been busy surveying my kingdom from atop my perch.

This afternoon I'm going to visit my friends Carlie and Hailie. There will definitely be some romping around in the yard. I'll be sure to post some pictures later today (or tomorrow).

Thursday, September 17, 2009

If you think I'm cute...

Check out all the other little scrappers here: Col. Potter Cairn Rescue.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Speaking of baths...

Everyone knows cats are weird, but I think this cat is a little retarded.

Monday, September 14, 2009


I've never really liked baths, but I can tolerate them. This, however, is way out of line. There's no way anyone is getting me in that deathtrap!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Follow me on Twitter

From Latest

Normally, I like to chase things that Tweet. But in this case you can follow my Tweets on Twitter:

My Dad helped me set something up so whenever I do a new post I'll automatically send a message on Twitter. Sounds pretty cool, but we'll see if it actually works!

I like parks.

Sometimes Dad takes me to the park. One of my favorites is Marymoor because I can run around without a lease!

This was from last Winter. I was really on the move.

From Daily Aberdeen

Saturday, September 12, 2009

On a pillow.

I'm a soft-spot seeker. Here I am relaxing on a pillow while watching some morning soccer.

A good day; my team won.

Friday, September 11, 2009


My name is Abbie and I'm a good dog. Thanks for visiting my blog.

Can I have dinner now? Please?